• Github Pages Setup

  • Technical Study: Web APIs with FastAPI

    Some topics covered

    • FastApi Routing
    • request body validation via pydantic models :
      • Serialization/Deserialization, data conversion,
      • Default Values and Examples
    • Path Parameters, /, Path(…,), characteristics
    • Query Parameters, ?, characteristics
    • Request body, Form data, file, Header Params
    • Response Models and Error Handling
      • generic status codes
      • error handling with HTTPException Class
    • generic_template_for_structuring_api_projects

    • Hours: 3
  • TrackerService-4 Architecture + Start

    • detail-1
    • detail-2
    • Hours: 3
  • MM-LLMs: Recent Advances in MultiModal Large Language Models paper

  • DetectorService-2 Improvements / Bug Fixes

    • detail-1
    • detail-2
    • Hours: 3
  • Technical Study: Engineering MLOps

    • Design Science Applied to (DataEng + ML + Devops) -> MLOps Worfklow as artifact
    • MLOps pipeline (build, deploy, and monitor)
    • Drivers: Data, code, artifacts, middleware, and infrastructure
    • ML-solution development proces, types of ML models

      type of ml models

    • solving real-world mlops problem: ML-driven solution to
      forecast weather conditions 4 hours in advance at the port of Turku in Finland. for supply-chain optimization

    • Hours: 3